my blog that's basically a diary but my parents dont know neocities exists so im good

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sunday, spetember 15, 2024 3:43pm

i got a 94% on that math test :) also, i got a fish which i named lumi even tho he's a boy because he is MY FISH and I CAN NAME HIM WHATEVER I WANT. on friday, my school had band night, which is basically when my school, the other school that feeds into the high school, and the high school marching bands come together and play at the football game. after we played our two songs, which were "hey baby!" and "spiderman," we all hung out with the marching band. i was playing the snare part on some tenor drums because they ran out of snares, and during the game some of the high schoolers taught me how to play the cymbals. during 3rd quarter when we all took a break, i was talking to some of the marching band kids and they said that taking all ap classes and marching band was a bad idea because of the amount of work, which makes me anxious cuz i wanna get into a good college but i also love music and will be taking marching band at least 2/4 years to get my gym credits. i have this year and 9th grade to decide becuase ap classes aren't offered until i go to the main campus. my district has a building just for 9th graders for some reason. i also spent so long studying for a history quiz that i completely forgot about an english assignment, so i ended up getting a 50% on it. i still have a 91 in the class tho

i think it's a good idea to put a TW for this paragraph i dont want to go back to school tomorrow cuz i have to see this girl named alyvia. i had a sleepover w her last weekend and she absolutley TRAUMATIZED me with what she said and did. she started making out with one of the other girls there, put bad smelling lotion in my face, and suggested we watch porn "like we did last time." i confronted her at the lunch table on friday and she said it was "a joke," tho i do not believe her one bit. also she ran her hand down my thigh, and i hate that girl with my entire existence. i've decided i dont wanna sit near her anymore, so i'm going to a singular table away from her. the reasons i'm not asking her to leave are

  1. she's extremley sensitive and
  2. i'm too scared to ask her

my plan is to just sit at the two seater table across the cafeteria for the rest of time or until i find some better friends, so i'll just be there on my phone or something like that.

monday, september 2

lol i'm exploring neocities instead of writing an important essay. i can't think of a good hook that will get people to read it, and i'm not used to writing about personal experiences professionally. i mostly write about personal expierneces in unprofessonial ways like this or in my diary on paper. i'm really used to citing sources when writing essays, like on a state test or writing about a book in class. i also don't know when the essay is due by because the most recent newsletter by the organization is password protected and i don't know the password. also, on wednesday, i have an 100 point test in geometry. i don't have all the postulates memorized, so i'm nervous because my teacher says he is testing us on those.

later in the day

i wrote the essay, this was due on AUGUST 15 AND NOBODY TOLD ME. this essay is not going in the newsletter. they've probably already finished the fall issue, which is the one where my essay was going to go. i am s c r e w e d. i also made flashcards for the postulates and theorems and i have a few more of them memorized

sunday, august 25, 2024

today is my birthday :) i did end up getting fl studio at my dad's house and i've been looking up tutorials on how to use it and i have a really basic 4-bar beat. i'm back at my mom's rn, so i dont have a computer that can run it here. :( school started on the 16th, and 8th grade has been a lot less stressful than 7th grade. i'm taking band and robotics this semester, and on friday i got weezer'd in robotics class by the teacher. he was playing buddy holly for some reason. this morning at church i played in the praise band on a cajon with a brush and my hand. i'm going to be playing a bit more since there's only two percussionists in the church. i don't think i'll be able to update this as much as i could when i first created it since school started and i have homework now. my teachers are nice though, so i am happy.

saturday, august 17, 2024

sorry for disappearing. school started yesterday, and my math teacher gave us homework on the first day. you had to make the numbers 1-30 using 4 fours and only 4 fours-no other numbers. i did it yesterday, but i still don't know how the teacher wants us to turn it in. yesterday, only people with half of the alphabet went to school, and i'm anxious for monday because each class looked like 3/4 of a class instead of half of a class, and i hate crowds. i have a 504 plan to get out of my classes early, but i'm worried that the classrooms might be crowded. i also was embarrassed when answering questions yesterday cuz i couldn't get my words out right. my history teacher was showing us how the grades were calculated (which we all already know) and what i tried to say was that it was the points earned divided by the possible points. it ended up coming out as "the total points over....the...the that *pointing to the left side of the board where the points earned were* over the *pointing to the right side of the board where the points possible were.* it was an awful description, but if you had asked me to write it, i would have been fine. there also were these google forms where you put in some things about yourself. for my history form in the section where i put my favorite time in history, i put something like, "i like the 2000s because tech was still evolving but people still went outside and touched grass". i love learning about the history of the internet, and the 2000s were a very influential time. idk, it's one of my hyperfixations. i'm not sure what my history teacher will think of that, but who knows if the teachers actually read those. my math teacher asked in his form what music groups we like, and i thought that meant genres, so i told him i like rock, post punk, and something else. if he meant bands, i'm not sure what i'd say because if i told him i like molchat doma he'd think i'm a doomer. post punk has pretty wide variety, so on the off chance he does look something up he'd probably find something closer to rock. having 3/4 of my core classes being high school classes might help me do something other than doomscrolling in the afternoons because i am definitely addicted to my phone lol. i tried grayscaling it but that didn't help and i'm worried people would wonder why my phone is in black and white. i also have app limits but i can just click ignore on them. i am happy that i did get myself off of scrolling yt shorts and actually did my homework :)

wednesday august 14, 2024

my mom enjoyed the cake even though it looked horrible. i wanna learn css even though coding hurts my brain to make this website look better because it looks terrible right now. i wanna add blinkies, a page dedicated to cat memes and maybe a few shrines to my favorite things on this website, but i've seen much better websites than mine and it daunts me since i know almost nothing about coding other than enough in html to make this, which i learned from the tutorial on neocities.

tuesday august 13, 2024

today was my mom's birthday and i baked her a cake, which ended up sticking to the pan but at least it still tasted good. :) school starts for me on friday, and i'm kinda nervous. im in 8th grade and i am going over to the 9th grade school for math, and i know nothing about my teacher. on july 1st we could all see our teachers and i posted it to my story. my friends on there said i didn't get very good teachers though they also were the ones that acted up in class so.....idk. i've stopped using snapchat after becoming addicted to scrolling on there and just the overall negativity of the posts on there. i also had that problem on pinterest, where it kept showing me politics and other stuff that makes you lose your faith in humanity. i deleted the app off my phone and only occasionally go on there on the computer now. i'm at my mom's house right now, and i have a silly cat named stormy who is very cute. i might post a picture later but i don't feel like doing the transfer from my phone to the computer.

my birthday is coming up soon and i might get fl studio, meaning i can make music. i use bandlab occasionally, but i've seen online the things fl studio can do. i wanna release music sometime but i'm not sure how i'd get it on to streaming platforms. i looked it up one time, and you have to get with and pay a company to release music on spotify, and i'd assume it's like that for other companies. if i did something under my dad, i couldn't release half of my music ideas because they'd most likley be too depressing. if i did it under my mom, i'm not sure if i could because she doesn't have that much money. when i turn 14 on my birthday i'm allowed to get a job in my state, though i would have school so i probably couldn't get one till next summer.